UPDATE (04-27-2010)
UPDATE (04-21-2010)
UPDATE (04-20-2010)
UPDATE (04-09-2010)
The Following correction is being made to the Published Request for Bids for the construction of the Bowie Campus. The deadline stated in Addendum / Correction Notice 1001 has been extended. The request now reads as follows:
Sealed bids addressed to Houston Gateway Academy, Inc. will be received until 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 22, 2010in the office of Oscar De Los Santos, 3400 Evergreen, Houston, TX 77087 for general contractor and sub contractors to construct all or part of a 67,000 square food three story building.
If you have any questions or comments please contact Oscar De Los Santos at 713-644-8292 or at
[email protected]- File Number 1003: Bid Addendum-Correction 1003
UPDATE (04-06-2010)
BID PACKET (02-12-2010)
Use the following links below to downloand the complete bid packet, or individual sections. If you have any questions please email us at
[email protected]
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