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The purpose of the school guidance program is to promote and to enhance the learning process. School counselors work closely with administrators, teachers, parents, and the community to support Houston Gateway Academy's mission and accomplish goals with focus on three strands of guidance: academic success, college/career information, and personal/social development.

Comprehensive guidance and counseling is an integral part of each school’s educational program. A developmental school guidance program includes activities which are organized and implemented by certified school counselors and are based on identified student needs. Emphasis at the elementary level is on prevention of problems which might affect school work and providing classroom guidance on such topics as study skills, problem-solving, communication skills, and conflict management. . Counselors conduct classroom presentations at all levels and trained community volunteers to teach personal safety rules and help students respond appropriately in difficult situations.

Counselors will work with parents and teachers to assist students in developing plans for academic and behavioral success. In addition, counselors coordinate standardized testing, work with peer support groups, and provide information about community resources. Parents are welcome to consult with their school counselor about the counseling program and their child’s special needs by calling the school for an appointment.