Attention! Your Google Classroom's Class Code, Username, and Password has been sent already to your email/cellphone.

Greetings! I hope you and your family are doing well, and that you are safe.
Here are some important reminders:
First, we will be having a mandatory weekly ZOOM Meeting every Tuesday at 1:00pm. You are required to type your full name before joining the meeting for you to be considered present. Zoom meeting happened today and thank you so much for those who attended the first meeting. I greatly appreciated your time and effort.
Second, you can now start working for your assignments at KHAN ACADEMY that will be due on April 17. And I am expecting that you will take every part of the assignments seriously.
Third, go to Google Classroom to work for your weekly assignments.
And lastly, always check HGA website for the important announcements.
For questions please text or email me. THANK YOU!
  • Phone: (281) 757-4399 (texts are best)
  • Email: